The Back Fence

Carrie Jones
2 min readDec 27, 2021

A poem

“The Back Fence” a poem
“The Back Fence” a poem

Our neighbor’s tree,

dying and diseased,

broke our back fence,

the day after a tornado

killed dozens in other states.

There are gaping holes

in the high and white fence now, needing

to be replaced, and our dogs

can’t romp around unsupervised

the way they used to, as scattered

and wild as people posting news on Twitter.

But it doesn’t matter, does it?

We’re always building up fences,

crying when they are torn down,

never letting each other see into back

windows of our lives, always showing

those front-facing facades where the shingles

still exist in perfect rows and there are no missing

bricks or boards or plywood windows,

never letting each other

roam from lawn to lawn and house

to house, town to town and beyond.

I smile at my neighbor through the fence gap.



Carrie Jones

Internationally & New York Times bestselling novelist. Writing tips. Podcasts. Poems. Psych stuff.